What People Say
"I can’t begin to thank you enough for all your sincere love, care and affection that you have all given Hudhayfah throughout his time at nursery." - Umm Hudhayfah

"Words cannot express the love, care and support that you have all given to Mu’awiyah. Thank you so much to you all, may Allah reward you all in abundance and put Barakah in ‘Little Gems’ (ameen)." - Umm Mu’awiyah

"Jazakallah for all the care and support you all have shown. Indeed you have Inshallah earned your Aakhirah, as long as the children keep reciting the good you have taught them." - Umm Saarah

"I would like to take this opportunity to say Jazakillah to all the staff members at ‘Little Gems’, Eesa has benefitted greatly from the Islamic environment the nursery provides, your passion for teaching a nice and diverse curriculum has helped Eesa to learn and develop many skills." - Umm Eesa

"I would like to say a big Jazakallah Khair for all the support and help you have shown Hamza, Mashallah this nursery is an amazing, fun, creative place where children learn so much." - Umm Hamza

"A big Jazakallah Khair for all the hard work you and the team have put into Yusuf’s first stages of education. He has come a long way since the start of his journey @ Little Gems. It’s sad to think about how much he will miss nursery, his friends and aunties ....Yusuf has an amazing memory so I’m sure he will remember you all, may you be rewarded for all your efforts." - Umm Yusuf and Family

"SubhaanAllah, my family and I feel so blessed to have found your beautiful nursery. MashaAllah, JazakAllah Khair for everything you have done for Abdur-Rahman, we really appreciate the time and effort that you and all the girls put into our children. May Allah forgive your sins, increase your emaan, your health, your wealth, bless it for you and give you and your family the best of this life and the next (aameen)." - Umm Abdur-Rahman and Family

"Really happy that my child is coming home and having the Islamic knowledge he has learnt at nursery." - Parent

"My son looks forward to come to nursery, his language has developed a lot and so has his confidence." - Parent

"I am so happy that a nursery like this has opened. Being a mother, you’re always concerned, but knowing my child is at ‘Little Gems’ puts my mind at ease, knowing that she is safe and most of all in an Islamic environment, especially knowing the staff have Islamic ethics." - Parent

"I am very grateful to ‘Little Gems’ in the teaching and knowledge that they have embedded into my daughters heart and mind which will InshaAllah stay with her for the rest of her growing life." - Parent

"Jazakillah Khair for everything you do for the kids, it is much appreciated!" - Umm Yaqoob

Sumaiyah has enjoyed every single day of her 2 years stay here. It's a sad moment for the both of us. She has learned so much here. I am very happy, I have made the right choice of putting her here.- Parent  

"My son has learnt so many short dua's and surahs which I was really impressed with mashAllah. At time I didn't realise the nursery did so much with them. Mashallah keep it up'." - Parent

"My journey with little Gems started from 2012, as i have had all 3 of my children attend the nursery. I have always felt at peace leaving my children here. The key worker/aunties do an outstanding job & are able to build meaningful relationships. I am very fortunate to have had the opportunity to send my children to a nursery that offers both curriculum & Islamic education. I wish my hearty best wishes to the nursery, congratulate them for their success & hope they continue to grow & keep up the excellent work. A warm thank you from Inaya, Abdullah & Taha's mother. Jzk.'" - Parent

"Eesa has been with Little Gems since he was a baby. All the teachers have helped him develop and grow and its very reassuring that they got to know him just as well as I do. I wouldn't change anything about Little Gems, you are all doing a fantastic job with all the children Mashallah'." - Parent

"Really happy, I have nothing bad to say, carry on your good work, Inshallah and thank you for all your hard work. May Allah reward you with Jannah inshallah'" - Parent

"Jazakillah Khair for the love, care and support you have provided Saariyah with during her time at ‘Little Gems’. Alhamdulillah we have been extremely pleased with the progress she has made whilst at the nursery and pray that she will continue to thrive and achieve excellence at her other school. May Allah (SWT) reward the sisters for ensuring that the children of our ummah are provided with an Islamic education and may Allah continue to bless your service with greatness." - Umm Saariyah