
(Slide left-right)

3rd & 4th of September 2020 Staff inset & settling in visits for new starters
7th of September 2020 Nursery opens for phased return of children
26th of October until 30th October 2020 Autumn half term holidays
18th December 2020 Parent Reviews (no nursery for children on this day except for day care children)
19th December 2020 until 4th of January 2020 ` End of term holiday & Inset day's
5th of January 2021 Nursery re-opens for children
15th of February until 20th of Feb 2021 Spring half term holidays
1st of April 2021 Parent Reviews (no nursery for children on this day except for day care children)
2nd of April until 15th April 2021 End of term holidays
19th of April 2021 Nursery re-opens for children
3rd of May 2021 Public holiday
10th of May until 14th of june 2021 Eid-ul Fitr holidays
31st May until 4th June 2021 Summer half term holidays
16th July 2021 Parent Reviews (no nursery for children on this day except for day care children)
19th July 2021 Summer holidays
Please note: Dates may change due to unforeseen circumstances, in which case you will be informed.