اَلسَلامُ عَلَيْكُم وَرَحْمَةُ اَللهِ وَبَرَكاتُهُ
Marhaba and welcome to Little Gems Nursery.
Little Gems Nursery is a nursery that embraces Islamic values whilst intergrating them into all aspects of learning. We adhere to the Early Years Framework covering the 7 areas of learning.
At Little Gems Nursery, we firmly believe that children excel in their learning when engaged in play. This whilst, initiated and directed by the children themselves, is inherently motivating. Our primary goal is to instill a lifelong passion for learning in every child. We achieve this by striking a harmonious balance between unstructured play and structured learning activities, both indoors and outdoors. Our highly skilled staff begin by understanding each child's interests and strengths, viewing them as capable learners. They then meticulously plan play experiences that support and scaffold their learning journey. Read more
Our infant and toddler program is thoughtfully crafted to nurture the learning and growth of our young children. We offer a well-structured curriculum that focuses on enhancing children's primary areas of development while also providing the essential warmth and care necessary for their emotional well-being. Each child enjoys a wonderful connection with their designated keyworker, and every child excels in their development, regardless of their individual developmental stage.
Our preschool program is meticulously tailored to meet the educational and developmental needs of children aged 3 to 5, taking into account their diverse socio-demographic backgrounds. We offer a well-rounded curriculum that addresses essential areas of learning and development while providing the necessary emotional support and care to ensure each child's well-being. Each child forges a meaningful connection with their dedicated keyworker, and every child excels in their development, regardless of their individual socio-demographic background.
Inshallah we will break up for the half term holidays from Monday 17th Febuary until Friday 21st.
Eid this year will most likley fall on a weekeend. Therefore we will keep you updated with any possible holidays closer to the time.
Inshallah we will hold our parent reviews on the week commencing 31st April. We will be in touch with your slots late March.
Little Gems Nursery was established in April 2011 to meet the demand for an Islamic Early Years provision in the community. With accredition from Ofsted, we offer care and education for children between six months and five years old. We firmly believe that the initial five years of a child's life are critical, and we strive to provide a safe environment where values and traits are nurtured from and early age, ensuring that children develop a strong sense of their Muslim identity.
Children are like sponges, absorbing everything they encounter, making it crucial to carefully choose their nurturing environment. We hold the belief that 'The best gift that a father gives to his child is excellent education with outstanding upbringing.' At the nursery, we offer a chance for children to develop a strong educational foundation and the skills to make sound choices in our challenging society.
Address: Clapton Common, Webb Estate Community Hall, Clapton Common, London E5 9BB